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Romeo and me |
The german shepherd is one of the top breeds. In Indian Punjab, the dog sport with its growing popularity encouraged the people from all walks of life to inculcate a taste for pets. Dogs are found from two bed room flats in metros to big farm houses in villages. The gloomy side is that i have seen a rise and fall of breeds at various intervals which is a very unhealthy trend.
A few years back dobberman was a very popular breed but now you will rarely find one. Saint bernard grew so popular that it spread to villages and it is no surprise if you find one stray along roadside under shock from heat wave. The same is true for many other dog breeds like pugs. But german shepherd is a breed which never lost its popularity among the admirers.
The german shepherd admirers are die hard lovers of breed. As a lover I have some experience with the handling and taking care of breed. In this blog I am sharing some tips and information . I will make sure to keep adding information and pictures .
The german shepherd is a breed with its advent in Germany. The climate of Germany is very different from Punjab. The highest temperature waivers around 30`c in summers that also in half of the country and the rest half remains frozen most of the year. Where as max. temperature reaches 48`c in summers and the humidity level rises very high in july and august giving way to all kinds of skin infections. It effects the dogs the most. The closer the dog to german bloodline the more its prone. Some times the disease runs in a particular blood line. I have discussed common problems.
Some practises to follow and things to remember:
1. With a gsd puppy you should never beat a pup even with a news paper if it does something wrong.
You cannot fix it but only induce phobia. The right way of doing is by rewarding good
behaviour and not paying attention to wrong behaviour.
2. Some times there is problem with hocks and hind legs bent inwards at the age of around 3 / 4 months. This is genetical so you should not panic , as the age advances it will cure on its own. But calciferol / vitamin D3 sachet at interval of a week will help along with calcium supplement. But in extreme conditions a vet may administer injections of D3 and calcium.
3. Some puppies develop habit of stool eating . This is very disturbing for masters. One should know dogs are different species and unlike human beings they cannot distinguish between taste as humans. For dogs there is 5% difference in the taste of food and stool. So the only way out is, if one could restrain the exposure of dog from such area where stool or like stuff is to be found and immediately move them to separate space after they relieve themselves.
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Bent legs/hocks correction aided with vitamin D3 |
4. One should inculcate a habit of cleansing the ears of puppy dog and make dog comfortable with
touching ears for cleansing wax. Otherwise its a struggle to prevent ear infection in adult as they
wont let their ears to be touched or let anyone pour ear drops or clean wax.
The major problem with adult dogs is skin infections, pest infestation, ear infections and shedding in day to day life.
1. For treating pests like fleas and ticks , there is a wide variety of shampoos available with the salt
permethrin as standard formulation. It is quite helpful in controlling infestation. Amitraz is the
other salt formulation which can be used in diluted form to treat ticks and fleas.
The best way is to dilute Amitraz 5% ( tic tac) in water at standard rate recommended mostly
at 1 ml/lt and treat the dog with 3/4 litre solution after wetting the coat paying attention to neck
area behind ears and inside armpits. Leave for 15/20 minutes and shampoo to rinse off residue.
2. For intestinal parasites ivermectin maybe administered on prescription of a doctor which will also
help in the control of external parasites if the infestation of ticks or fleas is severe.
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12 year Princy was recommended for euthanasia many years ago because of severe skin allergy. Princy was lucky to have Capt. Mann his master who saved him with special anti allergic vial. |
3. Skin infections are the most bothersome. Generally in summers most shepherds are in habit of
spilling water and sit over it to cool themselves. The continuous wet coat suffocates the skin and make it prone to fungal infections. The best way to avoid this is make such arrangement that dogs cannot spill water and providing them an arrangement of a cool space.
The fungal infection can result in blackening of the skin and scale formation. In case of fungal infections fluconazole cream will help to relieve the symptoms.
4. Another point to remember is bathing the dogs. Bathing too much is not recommended. The ph of german shepherd skin is alkaline. This makes it prone to fungal and bacterial infections. Bathing
the dog with soap too has drawbacks. One it makes it more alkaline as the soap is a base and it
depletes it of its natural oils. The natural oils are essential to maintain the health of skin and
prevent infections.
5. Brushing the coat is the best way to keep it clean. Brushing improves blood circulation in the skin
and reduces shedding. During the shedding season in the advent of summers , regular brushing is
recommended on daily basis to escape hairs scattered everywhere in the house.
6. Tip for prevention of ticks. Exercise is crucial for dogs health, but
playing and going in open grass
grass fields bring unwanted parasites . The best tried and tested way by me to keep a preparation of Amitraz 5% or 10% handy in a nozzle sprayer. Everytime you take dog for walk and play, just
spray a light solution on legs and coat avoiding eyes and mouth. It will prevent ticks and fleas a free ride.
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Phanto suffered severe skin infection with scaling and blackening of the skin ,nothing except below mentioned remedy worked. |
Diet :
The diet of a dog is the most discussed topic and there is no end to debate. It is believed that a species takes 1 lac years to transform its diet. And dog food industry is a recent happening and we cannot guarantee the practices under taken by them. In an article I read once that a toxic compound is added to dog feed to mimic the test for protein content which delivers similar results as natural protein under standard tests for certifying feeds for protein content. This damages kidneys and effects bodily health. So the best option is to stick to natural diet.
Frequent changes in diet disturbs the stomach and digestion so stick to regular diet. If one affords raw meat or chicken is the best for your german shepherd but take care of bone splinters.
The rural diet in villages contain chapatis , milk and buttermilk/lassi. The same is fed to dogs. Any how no harm as nothing else is available. But avoid milk as dogs have lactose intolerance and it disturbs digestion. The substitute is curd and buttermilk/lassi. Vegetables cooked with light salt and spice can also be fed. Leftovers with spice and chillis is not what nature designed dogs for.
Rural or urban fruits are the best portion to form diet for fibre. I have tried bananas and oranges also . you can develop taste of these from puppyhood.
Last but not the least , I have shared my experiences and I shall keep adding tips from my life. I wish these small tips may help someday some one. Have a great time with your faithful companions.
Ajaybir Singh
a gsd lover.
A great platform for such a nice information dog brain teaser toys keep up the good work